Resources for Parents and Families

Resources for Parents and Families

Support Your Student’s Success

你为你的学生在高等教育中的成功投资, 从你开始参观和申请大学到他们毕业后的生活,直到他们开始他们的职业生涯. 作为父母或监护人,你要提供支持、指导和指导. esball国际平台客户端理解这一点,并将家长和家庭视为我们社区和所有学生成功的组成部分.


Resources and Ways to Get Involved


Clarkson University staff in Clarkson t-shirts

Student Affairs Parents and Family E-Newsletter

information about your student's Clarkson experience. Click here
查看以前的通讯和其他家庭通讯. To subscribe to the Student Affairs Family Newsletter, click here.

Advisor working with students

Resources for Parents, Families and Students

学生事务部认为家庭是esball国际平台客户端社区的重要组成部分. 为了最好地与家人沟通并回答他们提出的问题, 我们要求您直接与相应的学生服务办公室联系,提出具体的咨询或担忧. Find a list of all offices, services and direct contacts.

Family Weekend

每年秋天,我们都会邀请家长和家庭与他们的学生一起体验波茨坦校园. 查看所有即将到来的活动的日程安排,并查找旅游信息.

Family Weekend FAQs

Support Services Available

As a parent or guardian providing guidance to your student, understand the support services available at Clarkson, 从学术援助到职业发展到学生健康和咨询以及请求住宿.

Employees from the student success center behind a table

Student Success Center

学生成功中心提供服务和项目,旨在提高所有本科生和esball国际app的学习成绩,促进他们在esball国际平台客户端的学术生涯的成功完成. Programs include Academic Support (Tutoring, Writing Center, Study Skills), First-Year Services, SafetyNet, Test Preparation Services, F1rst Connection, 未被充分代表的专业机会社区(CUPO)和纽约亚瑟O. Eve Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP).

A student meeting with an employer at the career fair

Career Center

就业中心致力于帮助学生实现他们的职业目标. 工作人员的工作,提供定制的服务,所有esball国际平台客户端学生谁正在寻找一个有意义的职业规划, find the right co-op or internship, develop professional and leadership skills, 提高找工作的技巧,联系最好的职业和esball国际app机会.

Corn hole board with the Clarkson logo on it

Accessibility Services

esball国际平台客户端无障碍服务办公室(OAS)的使命是确保学生能够进入大学及其课程. OAS determines, coordinates and provides reasonable accommodations, 为学生提供无障碍和好客的学习环境的教育和宣传.

Career and International Center Entrance

International Center

国际中心是esball国际平台客户端校区所有国际活动的中心, including assisting students with studying, performing research or working abroad, 同时通过提供移民服务和支持来帮助国际学生和访客.

Making Tuition Payments

To make an online tuition payment, please visit Nelnet at if you've already created an account.

如果您的学生尚未将您添加为授权方, please ask them to go to their myCU account, choose Financials and then choose Nelnet. 在Nelnet的主屏幕上,他们需要选择“添加授权方”." Once added, 家长或被授权的人将收到来自Nelnet的电子邮件邀请创建帐户. Questions can be sent to or answered by phone at 315-268-6451.

Payment Information

Make a Payment

Commencement Ceremonies

esball国际平台客户端每年都会为不同的学士学位举办毕业典礼, master's, doctoral and certificate programs. 我们鼓励您更多地了解我们不同的典礼,并通过访问毕业典礼页面随时了解最新的信息.

Learn More About Commencement

Contact the Division of Student Affairs

对父母的参与或你或你的学生可用的资源有疑问吗? Contact the Division of Student Affairs:

Vice President for Student Affairs: Brian T. Grant 
Location: 2308 Educational Resources Center, CU Box 5605 
Phone: 315-268-6463

CTA Block